I provide occupational therapy services within an hour driving radius from Stroud, Gloucestershire.


I am able to provide bespoke rehabilitation programmes which may include improving the use of your arms, helping with your memory and thinking skills, and increasing your participation in daily activities.


As an occupational therapist, I am interested in helping you to restore balance in your day to day life. This may include your roles and responsibilities or finding leisure activities that interest you.


I can help you to return to activities that you used to enjoy, or work with you on returning to education or employment.


You may want to look at ways to manage fatigue or to revive your passion and motivation for participating in activity.


I can provide you with information and education to enable you to make informed decisions about things that are important to you. This also includes giving you advice about equipment or adaptations which may make life easier.

I also provide bespoke posture management training and reflective practice sessions for occupational therapists and physiotherapists.